Reach Your Face and Body Goals With Endospheres Therapy!
Welcome to our beauty studio, your trusted provider of Endospheres Therapy in San Ramon and San Francisco Bay Area! We are dedicated to helping you achieve your body enhancement goals through this innovative and non-invasive treatment.
Endospheres Therapy is an advanced treatment designed by Italian bio-engineers that targets the root causes of cellulite and other skin imperfections. It uses Compressive Microvibration technology to apply a powerful but gentle lymphatic action, temporarily increasing local circulation, and relieving minor aches and pains.
The treatment works by generating low-frequency mechanical vibrations through a roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres. These vibrations penetrate deep into the layers of skin in the targeted area, reducing cellulite and tightening up the skin.
Endospheres Therapy has been voted one of the top 10 hottest new devices for body enhancement in the Aesthetics Guide Magazine. In clinical observations of 656 patients, Endospheres improved cellulite by 39% and had a 97.8% customer satisfaction rating.
We are proud to offer this service to our clients and look forward to helping you on your journey to a healthier, more confident you. If you are interested to book or learn more, please click on one of the buttons below
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